How AGM Adapts to 2024’s Media Dynamics

Maria Wyatt-Uhl, Senior Director of PR , 08.01.24

08.01.24 Maria Wyatt-Uhl, Senior Director of PR

Standing out in today's media landscape is challenging due to the influx of pitches journalists receive daily. At AGM, we recognize that personalized pitching is reshaping PR strategies, making it essential to adapt.

Significant transformations in the media landscape require a strategic pivot in PR tactics. Media outlets are merging or closing, and there's a shift to influencer platforms. Many outlets now rely on freelance journalists, leading to less predictability in coverage.

AGM's Key Tactics:

  • Leveraging Relationships: We nurture relationships with key contacts to broaden coverage opportunities.
  • Tailored Approaches: We customize pitches to align with the media's audience and themes.
  • Understanding Impacts: We recognize shifts in editorial directions and audience demographics.

Personalized pitching and relationship-building with journalists and influencers are crucial. Shifting from generic communications to tailored interactions helps stand out in a crowded space.

These are the steps we take to enhance and personalize our pitching:

  • Research Intensively: Firstly, we work to understand what resonates with journalists and influencers.
  • Customize Communications: We then use our knowledge to craft unique pitches for each recipient, mentioning their previous work and explaining why your story fits.
  • Build Genuine Relationships: Then we'll engage with journalists beyond pitches, respond to their articles, and offer additional insight where needed.
  • Follow-Up Thoughtfully: Finally, we provide additional information in follow-ups without being intrusive.

Further, we use these strategies to build our relationships:

  • Embrace In-Person interactions: We love that a casual meeting like coffee or lunch can establish rapport, and we visit in-person whenever possible.
  • Deskside Visits: We often schedule an in-person visit to introduce clients or upcoming activations.
  • Optimize Communication Methods: Hopping on a quick call or sharing texts to capture attention is an easy way to ensure we're keeping in touch with our partners.
  • Slide into the DMs: When appropriate, we send direct messaging on platforms like LinkedIn or Instagram for immediate connections.
  • Engagement During Staffing: We develop relationships by providing exclusive access or insights at events.
  • Show Appreciation and Value: We always aim to provide value, whether through exclusive information, expert opinions, or unique angles, ensuring interactions leave the journalist feeling valued.
  • Thoughtful Thank You's: We send a personalized thank you note after meetings or successful collaborations to show appreciation.

At AGM, we are committed to staying at the forefront of media relations by adapting our strategies to meet the evolving demands of the digital age and beyond. Want to learn more about how we help our clients stand out in this complex landscape? Get in touch.

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