How to Create Successful Brand Experiences in APAC

Nicola Gold, Business Director, BXP , 08.12.24

08.12.24 Nicola Gold, Business Director, BXP

As the experiential industry in APAC embraces global technological advancements, it is crucial not to overlook the human factor when delivering meaningful connections. In a region where diverse cultures shape consumer preferences, the "experience economy" has gained traction, reflecting a shift in priorities among APAC consumers, especially Gen Z and Millennials. In my 20+ years of living and working in various regions and creating experiences across a multitude of industries, age-groups and regions, I have learned from experience that one size does not fit all, often within the very same event.

What's driving this trend? And, what are the implications for brands seeking to connect authentically in APAC with the people who matter the most to them?

Cultural Diversity

  • APAC's diverse traditions and values, from Sydney to Seoul and Tokyo to Taipei, significantly shape consumer preferences. It can be even further nuanced -- for instance the very different cultures co-existing in a country such as Singapore, needs to be taken into consideration.
  • Implication for Brands: Brands must demonstrate cultural sensitivity by respecting and incorporating these cultural nuances into their events and marketing strategies. This helps in creating relevant and meaningful experiences for diverse audiences.

Social Media Penetration

  • The widespread use of social platforms drives consumer behaviour and demand for experiential events, with different platforms being popular in various regions.
  • Implication for Brands: Brands need to be mindful of the regional popularity of different social media platforms and strategically leverage these channels to enhance consumer engagement and promote experiential events.

Collectivist Mindset

Preferences for Immersive and Emotionally Engaging Experiences

  • Consumers in APAC are increasingly seeking out immersive and emotionally engaging experiences. The rise of Shoppertainment is a prime example. This new category of commerce will be worth more than USD $1T in APAC by 2025.
  • Implication for Brands: To connect authentically with their audience, brands need to prioritize authentic storytelling, showcase their heritage and values, and demonstrate a commitment to their local communities. This builds trust and deepens emotional connections with consumers.

Technology Advancements

  • Technological advancements are shaping the experiential industry in the region. The Asia Pacific Tech Market Is Poised For 5.8% Growth Amid Economic Flux.
  • Implication for Brands: Brands should strategically integrate technology to enhance human experiences rather than overshadow them. This means using tech solutions to complement and elevate the emotional and immersive aspects of brand interactions.

How Allied Global Marketing is Addressing These Trends

We take an integrated approach. At Allied we understand these nuances and have been effectively addressing them through strategic initiatives such as the South Park: Snow Day launch, across five international markets including Tokyo. We developed an overarching creative toolkit for the project which was developed by our strategic leaders in each key market to incorporate local nuance while still staying true to the overall brand identity. This included both cultural and language amendments within the overall planning.


We also created and produced Crunchyroll: Comic Con Mumbai where we took our existing global toolkit for Crunchyroll events and sense-checked these with our local production team to ensure we could deliver a culturally sensitive production within budget for our client.


We have cultural leaders in key global markets. We develop global creative campaigns and then stress test these concepts at a local cultural level to ensure that the tone and sentiment is correct locally. We are sensitive to subtle cultural nuances so that we can connect brands to their audiences at a local level while still staying true to the global communications platform.

As the experience economy shapes consumer preferences in APAC, we are collaborating with our clients to prioritise the human element, putting community and culture at the heart of our strategic planning. Without this, all the tech bells and whistles will merely create noise that will fall on deaf ears. Through cultural insights, strategic positioning and smart creativity we can truly connect within this varied and changing market.

Want to learn more about how we help our clients flourish in a wonderfully diverse and constantly evolving region? Get in touch.

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