Marketing Asian Cinema in Australia

Jamie Crick, Managing Director, APAC , 09.12.24

09.12.24 Jamie Crick, Managing Director, APAC

Australia is a highly diverse country, 30% of residents having been born elsewhere, and nearly half having a parent born overseas. Asian Australians represent a significant, and growing, proportion of the population, currently accounting for 17.5%.

While the Australian box office has long been dominated by Hollywood movies, Asian and Indian distributors are increasingly coming into the market. In an era of increasing film releases and declining cinema attendance, how can these distributors best cut through and energise their core target audiences?


Word of mouth is a key factor among communities still well-connected to their family's - and your title's - country of origin. So, while a title may be showing on a limited number of screens, making its information easily available to those already aware of it is critical. At Allied, we help distributors build and maintain websites optimised for international discoverability, with a long-sighted approach to the rapidly evolving search landscape that increasingly encompasses visual, social and AI-driven search.

Targeted buzz

To generate word of mouth and build excitement within tight-knit local communities, cultivate relationships with influential figures in those circles, secure coverage in community news outlets and forums, leverage existing cultural festivals or create targeted events and activations. Our earned media and multicultural teams' experience specialise in engaging very specific communities, wherever they are.

Paid Media

Asian-Australian audiences are of course diverse within themselves, and we specialise in knowing how and where to reach the right segments, whether by interests, demographics, geography or mainstream and niche media channels.

Right message

Informed by detailed market research, we develop creative that speaks directly to ethnic audiences, incorporating familiar cultural elements, stars, and references - while being mindful of appropriate tone and what humour resonates. For a Southeast Asian client looking to engage its global diaspora, we developed a creative approach that emphasises the continuity and importance of cultural connection, while adding a humorous nod to relatable family dynamics.

Beyond the core

The growing openness of global audiences to consuming Asian content attests to the potential for expanding marketing efforts beyond core audiences. The popularity across APAC of Allied client Netflix's Squid Game is but one of many examples. For breakout potentials, we analyse factors that have led to previous crossover successes and create parallel campaigns that highlight relatable themes and cinematic spectacle to intrigue broader Australian audiences.

What sets our agency apart is our nuanced understanding of diverse communities, combined with our expertise in the global entertainment landscape. We recognise the importance of authenticity in reaching these core audiences while also identifying opportunities to broaden a film's appeal when appropriate. Contact us to unlock the full potential of your Asian cinema release in Australia's vibrant market.

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